Main BDF Tandem Truck Next Mod Update BDF Tandem Skins Devil Lightsign Beta Version BDF Tandem No Trailer


This beta version (139.60) should update:

1. Ultra short Scania S chassis..
1. Cargo box for Ultra Short Chassis added. Flatbed, Dropbed and Coolliner box

Download Beta Version here

Download and overwrite this version with your version in mod folder.

Only for users with shaking before using this beta:
You do not need a new profile, just use it on your current profile and truck.
If you already have a "NO Trailer" in garage, then sell it and buy a new one.
If you don't have this mod already, then just download it and add it to your mod folder.

If you any have issues with shaking truck, then I would be very happy to have you testing this,
Please see if this version removes shaking or any other issues with "No Truck" model.
Then report back on the forum here, no matter if this help you or not:
SCS Forum - BDF Tandem Truck Pack .

Thank you very much and many thanks to Remon.

  Euro Truck Simulator 2 Mods - Copyright 2012 by Flemming Vinge - Beta Tester at SCS Software - This site does only contain mods by me. - Go to Forum at SCS software here - or visit blog at SCS software here 2506